Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nato is hospitalized

We found out about Nathan's allergies to cats, dogs and dust a couple months ago. After staring a daily antihistamine and Singulair, and finding a new home for Tippy and adding an air purifier and mattress cover to his room, he hasn't needed an albuterol treatment once. This past Sunday, we were at Grandpa Walt's for his birthday party and Nathan went into the old basement with his cousins. After such a major dust exposure, he started coughing and wheezing. Aunt Sheila had an albuterol inhaler from Mexico but hard to dose without a spacer. We headed home and he had a neb about 7. He woke up at 9 asking for more steam, so after another half neb, he fell asleep. I went to tuck him in around 10 and he was really laboring to breath. We took him to the emergency room since the albuterol wasn't working. After starting an oral steroid, nebs and getting a chest xray, they admitted him since his pulse ox was still upper 80's. We ended up staying 2 nights so they could make sure his pulse ox didn't go too low. Matt had a cold so he stayed home with Whitney and mommy and Nathan made the most out of our time together. We played games, he played with his Christmas presents, we watched TV/movies and read. We didn't get a lot of rest unfortunately since he insisted I sleep in the hospital bed with him. He loved pushing the nurse call button when needed and he must have asked me a hundred times if he could push it more. He was sitting on the toilet and looked sick. I asked him what was wrong, he told me in a sad voice that he didn't feel good and needed to call the nurse. I knew he was fibbing and we both started laughing. What a goof. We really liked the night shift respiratory therapist. He was so nice. He asked Nathan what preschool he went to, Nathan responded, 'Mrs. Dobyn's class' so he said but where is that. Nathan responded 'right next to Mrs. Bradley's class'. So funny. He just finished his 5th and last dose of steroid and is doing albuterol twice daily. We saw Dr Kiley yesterday and his pulse ox was good but she still heard some wheezing. He has more coughing to do to get all that mucous out before he's 100 percent.
I let him shop at Target to spend a little Christmas money after we saw Dr Kiley yesterday. The steroid is making him a bit emotional. He couldn't decide what to get and when he finally did, he was crying because he wasn't sure but he knew he's be sad if he didn't get it. Well, then it was too expensive after all so we didn't get it but then he cried about that. Oh my goodness, what a wreck. Then we decided to look online to find something he really wanted for his $5. He was finally pleased until he went immediately to the mailbox and it wasn't there. Bad idea mommy!
Tonight is New Year's Eve. We went over to Keith and Amanda's to hang out with them, the Stevens and the Koons for a while after I got off work. Fun to be with friends as always.
What a long week but so thankful Nathan is better. It's so scary to see your baby struggle to breath. I hope he outgrows these allergies. But for now, no more old and dustly basements in Nato's near future.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Really Fun Christmas!

We are wrapping up the Christmas season feeling tired but so full!!! I just mostly want to remember that this seemed to be a magical year for Nathan. He seemed to really feel the magic of this season, understanding our Lord's birth and feeling overwhelmed with excitement almost all month. He would run to open the Advent calendar door every morning and worked so hard at being patient.
The tree went up the day after Thanksgiving. I was fun to have Grammy and Poppy share in the joy of preparation. I really tried to decrease the stress the stress this year and I didn't feel a rushed as in past years. My favorite thing to do is turn off all the lights in the house other than the Christmas lights and sit in silence after the kids have gone to bed. So peaceful and beautiful.
We did things a little different this year. We decided to stay home on Christmas eve. I want my kids to start making memories of waking up Christmas morning in their own home (and it's a lot of work to haul everything out to my parents). I was so excited that my family was on board. They came in to our church that day for Christmas Eve Services and then we had dinner at our home. We headed to Kiowa mid morning on Christmas day.
Nathan was really excited about Santa this year (Whitney was terrified when she saw him but loved her gifts of course). I customized messages from Santa on the internet (, I think Nathan watched his at least 10 times. We went caroling at with the Coy Family, a first for the kids. Nathan loved Charlie Brown Christmas and they both liked playing with the 'What God Wants for Christmas' nativity. We made our annual sugar cookies and Nathan was elated to pick out special ones for the big guy in red. Santa brought Nathan 'Flo's cafe' from the movie Cars and Whitney got a 'baby bed' (cradle for her dolls).

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love you Tippy

Well, as I write, Tippy is headed to his new home. Here's the story...

Nathan has used albuterol in the nebulizer every so often ever since he had bronchiolitis when he was about 21 months. We assumed some damage occured to his lungs and he would outgrow it soon. I've notice in the last couple months that we've been using the neb more often, sometimes a cold but sometimes just due to "allergies". I got to thinking it was time to find out what he was allergic to, why I just thought of this is beyond me, but we took him to be allergy tested. They did 16 tests and 3 spots almost instantly welted. Dust, dogs, and cats!!!! I couldn't believe it since he's been growing up with all three and no family history of this. We just have some outdoor allergies which is what I assumed he had but now we know that's not the case. So first step was to get an air purifier in his room and allergen covers for pillow and mattress. He started on Singulair along with daily Zyrtec. We knew we had to find a new home for Tippy. Matt put it on his Twitter page and a nice couple from Woodland Park said they would be honored to have him. I am very grateful but very sad. It was very hard to say goodbye to a cat I've had for 11 years, he's been moved to many homes, experienced the acquisition of dogs and of course, children! I will miss him. My friends remember me frantically looking for him the night of Matt and I's wedding rehearsal. I was a mess, thought he'd gotten outside when he was actually just hiding under the bed. Maybe he knew another man was joining my life:) Anyways, I hope to visit him and this couple will keep us posted on his progress getting comfortable in a new home. I pray he likes it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Just a few updates since it's been a while since I posted. October has flown by and we are looking forward to Halloween. We've made Halloween sugar cookies, been to Boo at the Zoo and carved our jack-o-lanterns. Nathan has a party at school and we will spend Halloween in Kiowa.

Whitney is doing great. She seems to be growing faster than ever lately. Last week when she was refusing to brush her teeth, a common occurrence, I told her she couldn't have her binky unless she cooperated. So, still refusing I decided to put her to bed without it. (Partly because she seemed to be wanting it all the time and partly because she has a rash around her mouth possibly due to the binky.) Well, it worked, she fell asleep fine and rarely asks for it. I have given it to her a few times for nap but I'm glad to report that she is mostly over it.
Whitney is pretty advanced for her age. Her vocabulary is really amazing and communicating with her is a breeze. She is counting to 13 and can sing the entire ABC song.
She finally pottied in her potty chair this week, a big deal. She has shown some interest in potty training but never sits on the chair long enough. I must add, after she went in the potty chair, she also went on the carpet. We have a long ways to go.

Nathan is loving preschool and is excited that there are so many boys in his class (7) compared to just 3 last year. His best buddy is still Zak but he gets along with all the boys and talks about his days in detail. We had teacher conferences on Friday. Mrs. Dobyns said he very bright little boy and is doing very well.
I have to remember this funny story...Nathan was pretending to drive a car and ran right into Whitney who was just standing still and knocked her over. When asked why he ran into her, he said he was on a road. I insisted on a better excuse so he said "well mom, my road didn't curve". I tried not to laugh:)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Summer Wrap-Up

This picture was taken last night in the park. A full rainbow seemed to go right over the park. Amazing!

Well, it's Labor Day and we are saying goodbye to summer. Nathan starts preschool this week and will go Monday, Wed and Fri mornings. I am switching to Tues and Thurs for work so I will miss him a lot. (I'm still working at the City Employee Pharmacy two days per week for 10 hours, one day in the pharmacy and the other in the diabetes program.)

August was an eventful month. We went camping for an Ehmann Family Reunion near Canon City. We had over 30 people there and 15 of us went white water rafting. Several of us stopped at Buckskin Joe's on the way home.

We also took a 4 day trip up to Glenwood Springs. We met Jill, Kyle and Hayden. We rode the gondola and toured the caves on the first day, went to the hot springs 2 days and took a 12 mile bike ride the other. We really had a great time. We spent a lot of time at the hotel pool and just enjoyed a slower pace and a chance to catch up with the DeLuceros.

A quick update on the kids:
Whitney has developed a love for singing. She is constantly humming a tune. She likes Wheels on the Bus, Jesus Loves Me and Twinkle, Twinkle. She enjoys the toddler nursery at church and usually walks right in without crying. She is really good a throwing tantrums and has strong opinions about everything. I love when she says "okay" when you ask her to agree upon something. However, the other day, she said "no okay". Uh oh. Below is from her first style show. Grandma made the girls matching dresses.

Nathan has changed so much this summer. He learned how to swim and loves riding on the tandem bike with daddy. He is doing amazing at hitting baseballs when pitched to and has grown a lot in height. He enjoyed summer t-ball and a highlight was a trip to Elitches since he got to take his friend Zak.

What a great summer it's been!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dr visits

Whitney had her 18 month appnt today. Had two shots but cried for a shorter time than Nathan who just had a flu shot.

Whitney's stats:
Weight 23.10 (45th percentile)
Height 33 inches (90th percentile)
Head Circum 49.5 cm (>75th percentile)

Nathan's 4 yr. stats:
Weight 35.6 (50th percentile)
Height 42&3/8 (85th percentile)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Today Whitney said something for the first time that I'm sure we'll hear over and over from her..."yelf". Translation: 'self', she wanted to put on her shoes her 'yelf'. She shows so much interest already in doing things on her own, I guess we'll be late everywhere we go for the next 10 years. (Also funny...'yucker' for sucker.)

Nathan turns 4!!!!

Nathan had a super fun 4th birthday. Grammy, Poppy and Amy drove up from Arizona and we basically had a week long celebration. We celebrated the 4th of July, went to the zoo, Art Sports, the Manitou arcade, and celebrated his actual day with a pool party. His big party was on the 5th at the house. He wanted a Little Einstein theme with a 'rocket' cake which I had fun creating thanks to the internet suggestions. We had some of his preschool friends as well as family over. A big bounce house was set up in the back yard and we grilled hamburgers. We were in and out of the house due to the rain, next year we'll have a breakfast party!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Whitney Dr Visit

Whitney was a bit late for her 15 month check-up. (oops, I forgot) But here are her stats:
Weight 22.95 (52nd percentile)
Height 33 inches (97th percentile)
Head Circum 49.3 cm (95th percentile)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kiddo updates

Likes- T-ball, swimming pool, his blankie, vanilla soy milk, Handy Manny, audio CD's, GeoTrax, playing with the neighbor boys, german pancakes
Dislikes- Sunscreen, weird looking food, spiky hair, button shirts

Likes- Grandma, ladybugs, Tippy, getting tickled, blankies, binky, eating, outside, stairs, swinging, suckers, marshmellows, shoes, swimming pool
Dislikes- Teeth brushing, mommy leaving

(Nathan said something so funny the other day. I asked him what we should get Grandpa for Father's Day...his response "something junky I guess". It was hilarious, I have no idea why he said it.)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I just had to document this. I had such a wonderful mother's day. My sweet, amazing husband was up at 3a.m. putting a binky back in Whitney's mouth and decided to go to the grocery store to get the ingredients for the perfect breakfast in bed...a beautiful yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and granola accompanied by sparkling pear juice. On top of that, he let me sleep in and bought me some Merrell's I was wanting. I ate my breakfast with my kids on my lap in bed, eating most of it themselves, but it couldn't have been better.
Then I got to spend time with my own mom having tea at the gorgeous Glen Erie Castle followed by an afternoon of playing with the kids in and out of the 'hot pool'.

And on top of this, on Friday was Nathan's preschool classes mother's day tea. It was so cute and sweet. He made be a beautiful beaded bracelet and a box it came in painted all glittery with gems glued on. He was so proud. I just can't thank his teachers enough for all the effort they put into everything they do.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Some kiddo updates:
-Whitney is a little stinker. She is hard to take anywhere because she wants down to walk, usually in the opposite direction you want her to. She is still waking up around 5a.m. wanting milk but goes back to sleep until 7:30 or later which is better than up for good at 6:30 without the milk. She is a sorter, she loves to carry items out of the tupperware drawer one by one to the top of the stairs, I found 14 items there a couple days ago. She likes to hand you things and say "der-ya-go", it's pretty darn cute. She is so good at saying thank you and amazingly doesn't mind getting her hair done. Her new thing this week is her love for getting tickled on her tummy. She lifts up her shirt and says "tickle". I do it when I put her down to sleep to relax her. She loves her baby doll more than ever and I catch her putting the baby in and out of her toy stroller.

-Nathan only has 3 days left of preschool. I'm looking forward to the mother's day tea tomorrow in his classroom. We signed him up for M,W,F mornings next year. It's hard to think about him being away from home more and more, but he loves it. We had teacher conference last week and he's doing great. She said loves playing with other kids and is good at sharing. His best friend is Zak and loves all the science experiments the best. He understands what the Bible is about and who Jesus is. He knows his letters, numbers, colors and shapes really well and his drawing is getting better. He's mastered the patterning skills she taught and has no issues with participation. (All very good to hear) (Picture below is his first field trip to the Fountain Creek Nature Center)
We signed him up for 3-4 year old t-ball through the Briargate YMCA which starts in June, I think he'll really like it.

St Lucia trip

Our trip to St. Lucia was a blast. The wedding was really nice and it was fun being on a trip with so many people we knew. We went zip lining through the rain forest, played on the beach, shopped, hung out with family and Bud and Jen's friends, ate great food and laid by the pool. The kids did wonderful with grandma and grandpa. They were snowed in a couple of the days but had so much fun at grandma's house. Some highlights: Nathan rode the tractor, Whitney rode the 4-wheeler, and they were there when Brody brought home his first 4-H pig. My mom missed them when they left but I'm sure she was exhausted.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Aunt Cleta

We lost my Great Aunt Cleta Nagel on March 8th. I wanted to post for record the words I wrote about her (follows). It's so hard to lose anyone you love, it's been a really tough year with the passing of Nana and Grandpa Ehmann, both in June last year. I'm grateful for their long lives and all the wonderful memories I have.

My Aunt Cleta was such a magnificent person and the thought of her just makes me smile. I have such wonderful memories of her and being at her home growing up. The long summer days at the ranch catching crawdads, looking for the newest litter of kittens and playing out in the yard while she gardened. I loved her laugh, kind of a giggle and her beautiful smile. Of course we must mention her amazing cooking. So many dishes are in my memory bank, but my favorites that will NEVER be forgotten; macaroni ‘n cheese and pies from scatch, mmm chocolate cream & carmel were highlights.

"Aunt Cleta may not have been a mom, I remember hearing that Uncle Dave was as much of a kid as she could handle. But I truly believe that God had bigger plans for her…as a daughter, wife, sister, friend, and in my mind, the most incredible Aunt. She used to give Tammy and me a gift when it was the others birthday. She was so fun to play games with, she is the one who taught us poker. I remember many games of cootie or whatever else we asked her to play. It’s been a long time, but I loved staying the night during wheat harvests, what a special time.

I’m still coming to terms with the fact that those Sundays riding in the back seat with my sister listening to football and heading to Uncle Dave and Aunt Cleta’s are over. I hurts to not have her here but I know how much she missed Uncle Dave and I rejoice knowing they are together again."

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Time for an update. A lot has happened since the last post.
Whitney's update:
-March 3rd was her last day to nurse. I was sad that she has grown so fast on top of the great diet it was for me:)
-Feb 8th took 4 steps, Feb 28th up to 8 steps and officially walking on March 14th (it was a very gradual process). She loves it though, so much less frustration and getting better at it every day.
-Mid Feb her first molar broke through. Ouch.
-Whitney remains impressively smart with her talking (she will repeat just about any word eg. avocado), pointing to body parts & pictures and overall understanding of what we're saying. She is unbelievabe with using a fork and insists on eating with one every meal. She loves the bath (look at that hair) and has recently become a fan of the hot tub. This should be a great summer ahead at the pool.
Nathan's update:
-Not a single day of preschool has Nathan complained about going. He continues to love it and I think he's grown and learned so much. It's fun to hear him talk about his first real friends, Zak and Lucas, the only other boys in his class of 11. He is writing more letters and shows a lot more interest in reading. He can sound out most 3-letter words, it's astonishing.
-I still have to monitor Nathan and Whitney all the time. He can be pretty rough and mean, not saying she isn't the same at times. The jealously and fighting starts so early!!!
-Nathan loves the computer and is getting quite good at using the mouse. He is currently really into Bob the Builder and loved the Madagascar 2 movie. The Magic Treehouse series still captivates him. We have the first book on audio CD, I think he's listened to it no less than 30 times.
Matt and I are going to St. Lucia next week for Bud and Jen's wedding. I will definitely post some pictures. It is going to be hard to leave the kids (in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa), but nonetheless, six days is a long time:(

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day

I have to get in writing a few things on my mind. Whitney's birthday party was wonderful. It was a bit different from Nathan's enormous 1st bday party as it was summer and many were on the guest list since we didn't have to fit them all inside. Hopefully, the two of them never compare gift lists from their 1st birthdays.:)
Whitney turned one and is suddenly talking up a storm. She will give an honest effort to repeat just about anything. Her newest words: "happy, up, meow, papa (for Grandpa), more and please -among many others I can't think of right now in my tired state-. She is also signing more and more: splash, book, eat, all done, more, please, & thank you. We actually start a sign language class with her tomorrow and I'm sure she'll take it and run.
She is close to walking, took 3 steps today, it won't be long. She had her first birthday pictures taken yesterday. As usual, that experience is never how I have pictured it in my mind to be. She was being quite the pill, but we did get some pretty cute ones. She would have to try much harder than that to not be cute. Funny story: I called Hoo Motors to ask my mom a question but my dad said she wasn't there and that I should just ask him the question. So, I said "should Whitney have one pony or two for her pictures?" With all honesty, he had an answer, "I think it's best with one like you had it the other day". That just cracked me up. I actually went with two though per Matt and Tammi's advice. Sorry dad, but thank you for your vote.
Nathan cracks me up all the time. He said he almost threw up after seeing Whitney's dirty diaper. He might be a littly gaggy like daddy. He had his first school Valentine party today and thought that was pretty neat. He is loving the 'Magic Tree House' series of books by Mary Pope Osborne. I bought 1-4 but we've finished them so we got #5 at the library today. It's the first 'series' of chapter books we've ever read to him. Pictures are only every few pages but I love watching him anticipate what's ahead. What a great series, introducing him to so many wonderful places and times. He has been pretending to be the character Jack walking around with his backpack everywhere and taking 'notes' with his paper and pencil. He is growing up so fast.
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. We will try to go out to an early dinner all together but not much else planned. (Matt and I got our alone time at the 1st Pres marriage retreat last weekend). I decorated everyone's doors tonight so they have a surprise when they wake up. It was fun, this might have to be the beginning of a tradition.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Littles!

We are finding that we're highly unorganized (we'll blame it on the stage of life with two young kids) about the party tomorrow. It really has been a year since Whitney was born? That's really scary because I can imagine her getting a diploma, like tomorrow.

Brody is spending the night unexpectedly, Grandma and Grandpa are at a CSU-Pueblo basketball game watching Amanda Bartlett, and we have a list that is really, really long to do before we try to get some sleep.

Now to the point of this post. I was putting Nathan and Brody to bed and went to say our prayers, I usually end up saying it when its Nathan's bedtime, and he jumped in and stated that he wanted to say it. Shocked, I said, "Ok." Here's what came out of his mouth. "Dear Jesus, thank you for today. Please give special blessings to Whitney for her special day on her birthday." WOW. A touching moment for sure, especially with his eyes closed and his hands clasped. What a beautiful way to end the day.

posted by matt

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