Monday, July 13, 2009


Today Whitney said something for the first time that I'm sure we'll hear over and over from her..."yelf". Translation: 'self', she wanted to put on her shoes her 'yelf'. She shows so much interest already in doing things on her own, I guess we'll be late everywhere we go for the next 10 years. (Also funny...'yucker' for sucker.)

Nathan turns 4!!!!

Nathan had a super fun 4th birthday. Grammy, Poppy and Amy drove up from Arizona and we basically had a week long celebration. We celebrated the 4th of July, went to the zoo, Art Sports, the Manitou arcade, and celebrated his actual day with a pool party. His big party was on the 5th at the house. He wanted a Little Einstein theme with a 'rocket' cake which I had fun creating thanks to the internet suggestions. We had some of his preschool friends as well as family over. A big bounce house was set up in the back yard and we grilled hamburgers. We were in and out of the house due to the rain, next year we'll have a breakfast party!!

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