Sunday, October 25, 2009


Just a few updates since it's been a while since I posted. October has flown by and we are looking forward to Halloween. We've made Halloween sugar cookies, been to Boo at the Zoo and carved our jack-o-lanterns. Nathan has a party at school and we will spend Halloween in Kiowa.

Whitney is doing great. She seems to be growing faster than ever lately. Last week when she was refusing to brush her teeth, a common occurrence, I told her she couldn't have her binky unless she cooperated. So, still refusing I decided to put her to bed without it. (Partly because she seemed to be wanting it all the time and partly because she has a rash around her mouth possibly due to the binky.) Well, it worked, she fell asleep fine and rarely asks for it. I have given it to her a few times for nap but I'm glad to report that she is mostly over it.
Whitney is pretty advanced for her age. Her vocabulary is really amazing and communicating with her is a breeze. She is counting to 13 and can sing the entire ABC song.
She finally pottied in her potty chair this week, a big deal. She has shown some interest in potty training but never sits on the chair long enough. I must add, after she went in the potty chair, she also went on the carpet. We have a long ways to go.

Nathan is loving preschool and is excited that there are so many boys in his class (7) compared to just 3 last year. His best buddy is still Zak but he gets along with all the boys and talks about his days in detail. We had teacher conferences on Friday. Mrs. Dobyns said he very bright little boy and is doing very well.
I have to remember this funny story...Nathan was pretending to drive a car and ran right into Whitney who was just standing still and knocked her over. When asked why he ran into her, he said he was on a road. I insisted on a better excuse so he said "well mom, my road didn't curve". I tried not to laugh:)

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