Monday, June 29, 2009

Whitney Dr Visit

Whitney was a bit late for her 15 month check-up. (oops, I forgot) But here are her stats:
Weight 22.95 (52nd percentile)
Height 33 inches (97th percentile)
Head Circum 49.3 cm (95th percentile)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kiddo updates

Likes- T-ball, swimming pool, his blankie, vanilla soy milk, Handy Manny, audio CD's, GeoTrax, playing with the neighbor boys, german pancakes
Dislikes- Sunscreen, weird looking food, spiky hair, button shirts

Likes- Grandma, ladybugs, Tippy, getting tickled, blankies, binky, eating, outside, stairs, swinging, suckers, marshmellows, shoes, swimming pool
Dislikes- Teeth brushing, mommy leaving

(Nathan said something so funny the other day. I asked him what we should get Grandpa for Father's Day...his response "something junky I guess". It was hilarious, I have no idea why he said it.)

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