Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Seattle Trip

Steph and Zak have always said we should come for a visit. Last fall a great deal from Southwest came across my inbox and we picked a weekend in January to go. I am so glad we did. What a fun time we had, great people and a great city. Beach, Pike Market, seafood, family (saw the Alaska Rose's too), girl's spa night, boy's beer night, coffee, the locks, and more. Nathan thought we were going to 'Attle'- we were going to 'see Attle' right? We stayed with the Taylor's, they were such great hosts. Whitney slept pretty awful so we were all tired since we slept in the same room as her but she never got too grouchy. The kids had a wonderful time with Grace and Isaac. Nathan wonders when we get to go back and see the movie 'Dumbo' (only Grace has it, right?) Just today, Whitney was saying "OK, easy there". Nathan had to translate, they said Gracie taught them that, too funny.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Whitney's Potty Training Miracle

Whitney has show a lot of interest in potty training over the last 2 weeks. She is doing so well. Mom got her some big girl underwear last Thursday and she loves them. She has very few accidents, we even went to a playdate today without a pull-up and no problems. She says "I wanna go potty" when she's ready. (#2 once on potty last week but typically goes before getting up in morning or at nap time so it may take a while for that) She actually woke up this a.m really early at 6:15 wanting to go potty. I thought it was a scam to get up but to my amazement, her diaper was completely dry and she pottied a ton. Wow! I guess girls are easier than boys. Sure will save us some bucks on diapers!

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