Friday, July 22, 2011

Nathan turns 6

Wanted to write a little bit about Nathan since he just had a birthday and has changed so much this summer. The excitement about his birthday was almost more than he could stand, mostly about the presents. We had a fun party at Black Forest Regional Park with friends and some classmates from preschool. The balloon/magic man was very impressive and Nathan loved all that attention. Right now he is a big fan of ocean creatures, especially whales, so he got a killer whale cake. He is outgrowing his love of trains but is still very into playing with cars. I see this line on our cork floors where two pieces didn't come together well...he sees a perfect starting and finishing line. Nathan has become quite the swimmer this summer, passing level 3 on the first try last month and he did great in level 4 which ended today. I've even see a perfect dive off the diving board too! Better than mommy already. He also loves fishing, never gets board amazingly. He loved being out on Lake Okoboji in Iowa. He played flag football this spring with great joy, he kept a good attitude and played hard. Nato still has his moments of 'fits' that remind me he is still a little boy learning to deal with his emotions, but growing and maturing so fast it's unbelievable. As we get ready to send him to kindergarten, I can see that he is ready to take off with all that school has to offer. He is excited and I know he'll love it. I'm sure there will be some tears, I can't believe he is growing so fast.

6 year doctor checkup:
Weight 45lbs (46%)
Height 47.5" (85%)

Kindergarten starts Aug 17th. He'll be attending The Classical Academy Central Campus in the afternoons Mon-Thurs.

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