Thursday, September 1, 2011


We did so much this summer, I'm wishing I would have been blogging more. Here are the highlights:
-Meister family reunion in Hubbard, IA in June. Also celebrated Granny Lu's birthday. It was the kids' first time there and it was fun introducing them to family they've never met. All of the Matt's immediate family was there as well. After the reunion, we headed north to Lake Okoboji with Grammy and Poppy. We stayed at a great resort, Fillenwarth Beach, and though it rained a lot, it was a blast. Time on the lake, old fashioned amusement park, and unbeatable family time. Matt and I celebrated our 10th anniversary while there too with a day out and nice dinner, Hawaii will have to wait until year 15!
-Lots of pool time. Nathan really took off with his swimming this year, becoming a little fish. Whitney was so scared at the beginning of summer, she wouldn't hang onto the side of the pool during lessons. Huge improvement by the end of summer, she is swimming from the wall to us standing about 6 feet away if she's wearing her goggles. Confidence is growing in both of them.
-A few camping trips this summer in our big tent. We have a queen air mattress for mom and dad and toddler air mattresses for each of the kids. They love the adventure and we love getting them outdoors to enjoy this amazing state we live. One of our camping trips was to Glenwood for a getaway with the Ehmann side of the family.
-Fairs and rodeos are always a highlight of the summer. Nathan refused to Mutton Bust this year, must still be freaked out about getting trampled last year. Whitney's not interested...yet!!
-We took a break from sports this summer but Nathan played flag football in the spring and will again in the fall.

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